All Things Holistic, Lifestyle, Natural Health, Mindset and Spirituality

Why The AIP Diet Isn’t Working For You.

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It Can Be So Frustrating when you are eating all the right foods, eliminating the things you are supposed to, and following the protocol to the letter, only to get your blood work back and see the same numbers or even worse numbers than when you started! In this post I am going to cover Why the AIP Diet isn’t working for you and what you need to do to fix it. This is the protocol I followed that finally got me to remission after the AIP Diet alone wasn’t working.

I’m Just going to jump right in here and You are probably not going to like what I say, But it was literally the last thing I could do that finally made my numbers start to regulate. I bought all the supplements, ate or rather Didn’t Eat the foods, and I would go to the Doctor, get my blood work and it would be WORSE! IT WAS SO INFURIATING,

Just because you are eating all the right things doesn’t mean you going to heal. You are going to need to go inward and see what your mind is working with.We need to see what things you are stressed or worried about on a daily basis. We think 60,000 thoughts day, most of which are the same thoughts as the day before. If you are living in fight or flight on a daily basis (which most of us autoimmune disease sufferers are) You better believe that is taking a huge toll on your health! Get out a piece of paper or a journal. If you are just starting on your inner healing journey, I’ll assume you don’t have a journal lying around so you can purchase one like this. As an Amazon Associate, I can make a commission off of qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you! Thank you!

You are going to want to draw Circles like these.

By doing the above exercise we are hoping to eliminate some of your daily stressors by seeing most of the things we all worry about are simply out of our control. By having it written in front of you it may inspire you to take action on the things you can control, therefore eliminating even more stress!

Spending time in meditation has so many health benefits:

  1. Stress Reduction
  2. Improved Sleep
  3. Lower Blood Pressure
  4. Enhanced Immune System
  5. Pain Management
  6. Increased Energy Levels
  7. Balanced Hormones
  8. Improved Respiratory Function
  9. Regulation of the nervous system

Just to name a few. You can sit in a chair with your feet on the floor or grab a meditation pillow like this one here.

Start off slow only sitting for about 3-5 minutes at a time. Building the habit is the most important thing. Doing an easy breathing exercise like this one here is ideal. Breath in through the nose for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, out through the nose for 4 seconds, empty for 4 seconds and repeat. If you would like more information on starting a meditation practice, I wrote a blog about it here.

Because we are following our diet Protocol, we are being healthy but not realizing that our body needs nutrients to heal and to run on a daily basis. We need to HYPER NOURISH! Give our body the boost it so desperately needs to kickstart healing for faster results. With drinking this smoothie, I have found that if I choose to indulge in a treat here and there it really doesn’t affect the overall outcome. Which makes it easier to stay on track, rather than not being able to have any of the foods we crave from time to time.

This Smoothie is something I still drink to this day and something I believe most people should implement at the start of their healing journey

10oz Spinach (I buy the bagged triple washed)

1 avocado

1 banana

1 granny smith apple (you can swap for a cup of pineapple if you prefer the taste better or do both, I switch off)

1 cup of frozen blueberries

2 tablespoons of whole flax seed

Put the whole bag of spinach in the pitcher of the blender and add water to the top of the spinach (u want to push the spinach down and pack it in)

then add the rest of the ingredients. Blend until smooth and drink the entire pitcher daily. Also Make Sure you are Taking a vitamin D/K2 Supplement. This one right here is the trifecta! Vitamin D,K 2 & Black Seed Oil I wrote a blog about the Healing Benefits of Black Seed Oil Here

I know sounds silly right? What could that possibly have to do with healing your autoimmune disease? Well actually.. ALOT!!

Wayne Dyer was Diagnosed with an incurable form of leukemia. He never had treatment for it and when he died in 2015 there was no trace of the disease in his body. He famously spoke the words “I AM IN PERFECT HEALTH” and would start his speeches with ” I am Wayne, and I am Well” He believed and taught that Proclaiming these simple phrases and actually believing them would heal you. I also speak these words to myself daily and I am in fact WELL! Affirmations cause new neuro pathways in the brain to form causing actual changes in your programing. If you would like more information, I wrote a blog post about it here.

Gratitude is an easy way to raise your mood (vibration) Starting your day being grateful for the things you have in your life, small and big, can lower stress and cortisol levels for a positive impact on your immune system, also keeping you calm and in a state of happiness.

It Should go without saying that our body needs rest! Especially when we are healing! Making sleep priority is well it’s PRORITY!! Make sure to shut down your day sooner and start to decompress earlier. Do not eat at least 3 hours before bed. This allows your body to clean things up, instead of digesting the food you just ate.

Getting outside Barefoot is best. If you have limited outdoor space standing on a grounding mat like the one below (it also fits into a chair if you sit a lot during the day) have a range of healing benefits such as:

  1. Reduced Inflammation
  2. Improved Sleep
  3. Stress Reduction
  4. Enhanced Energy Levels
  5. Better Circulation
  6. Pain Relief
  7. Balanced Cortisol Levels
  8. Improved Mood

I’m not saying you have to hit it hard here, but I am saying take a 20/30-minute walk. Your whole body will feel so much better, along with elevating your mood. Getting outside is best but a treadmill will work as well. Breaking this up to 3 10-minute walks after meals or walks around the office when you have time is also great! Fitting things in where you can, are little victories that give us momentum to keep going.