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Revamp Your Life: Crafting a Self-Care Plan to Cultivate the New You Habit!

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Ah, the fresh start of another year! Time when self- care is in full force,

The moment when people swear, they’ll hit the gym every day, stick to a super-healthy diet, and be the best version of themselves. When things settle down, when I miraculously have more time (insert hopeful resolution here), that’s when I’ll truly kick into gear. The weight of New Year’s resolutions looms large as those well-intentioned gym memberships prepare to deduct their monthly fees, leaving us feeling defeated and disappointed. “I’ll tackle it next month, or maybe before summer, or well, there’s always next year…” The cycle of postponed goals and lingering guilt continues. Enough with the guilt! It’s not on you! Seriously, it’s not a failure; you simply didn’t establish the right foundation for success. The key is laying down those habits first to truly set yourself up for success. It takes 21 days for something to become a habit! So, by the end of 3 weeks, you’ll be geared up for a brand-new version of yourself! Let’s get into this new habit building Self-care 7 step plan!

The Epic Battle of Time Management! Because let’s be real, conquering anything requires mastering the clock first. This week is practically a stroll in the park β€” just gift yourself a luxurious 20 minutes a day. Personally, my 20 minutes unfold after the family’s bedtime chaos subsides. Find your quiet haven, away from the daily pandemonium, and embrace the art of doing nothing. These 20 minutes are non-negotiable.In this crucial week, take a close look at your goals. What big things are you aiming for this year? Picture your future self with the clarity of a well-made movie. If making more money is the plan, brainstorm creative ideas or think about classes online or in person that could help. Keep it real, keep it clear, and commit to those 20 minutes. Use a journal instead of phone notes; it makes it easier to stay focused. Assess your life, figure out the changes you want, and if you don’t have a journal yet, consider getting one like this It’s like a roadmap to see how you’ve evolved over time. Fancy Pens always make things more fun☺. As an amazon associate, I can make a commission off of qualifying purchase at no extra cost to you. 🧑

Let’s prioritize sleep! No one can function well or make sound decisions when tired. Set a bedtime and wake-up time that suits you and stick to it! Determine the optimal amount of sleep your body needs for peak performance and carve out dedicated time for it. Avoid eating at least 3 hours before bedtime! During sleep, your body engages in cleansing and restorative processes for the best possible rest. Eating before bed hinders these essential functions as your body focuses on digesting food. Check out my blog on nighttime routines for more insights.

Remember that 20-minute block we discussed earlier? Well, let’s allocate half of it to movement. Search online for a quick 10-minute home workout and make it a daily routine within your 20-minute window. You might be wondering, “What can 10 minutes really achieve?” Firstly, if you’re not currently exercising, it can make a significant difference! Secondly, we’re laying the foundation for a crucial habitβ€”the habit of exercising every day. And trust me, building this habit is the key to a lifetime of success.

Fortunately, we’ve got ample time to cultivate it, and guess what? We’ve already blocked out the time, so no excuses! If you’re already a daily workout enthusiast, consider adding an extra 10 to it! If you’ve got a set workout routine that hasn’t changed in years, think about incorporating 10 more reps, 10 more pounds, or even 10 more minutes. The key is to add that extra 10, no matter what it is! Now, what to do with your remaining 10 minutes? Spend it alone in quiet reflection, setting the stage for our discussion in step 4!

I wrote a blog pot about meditation if you would like more information, you can find it here. Here are a few tools that I find useful, and you may also 😊

Week #5: Yep, it’s happening! Saw this one coming, didn’t you? I’m not going to make you do it every day, we need to build the habit that you don’t eat junk food. Consider this – you’ve got about 30 days in a month, right? Let’s say you indulge in junk food twice a week. That means you’ve got 5 days a week where you didn’t cave to the cravings. So, if I do the math correctly, you treated yourself to junk for 8 days, while you maintained a healthy diet for 20 days. I’ll even throw in an extra 2 days for occasional indulgence. You’ve essentially doubled your good days against the not-so-good ones, and guess what? We’re also building a habit! Enter the 21-day theory once again!

Start Affirming and this part is crucial: “I don’t eat that stuff,” or a firm “No, I’m not eating that today.” Never utter the words “I’m on a diet” because that just signals to your brain that the “diet” will eventually end.

We’re training the brain to adopt the belief that “YOU DON’T EAT THAT WAY! PERIOD.” So, when someone offers you a tempting treat, you confidently respond, “No thank you, I don’t eat that kind of stuff.” So, what do you eat? Think protein, veggies, fruits – steer clear of highly processed foods. A handy rule of thumb: if it has more than 5 ingredients, it’s a no-go. For further insights into my journey of healing an autoimmune disease where I share smoothie and food options that are perfect for anyone striving for a healthier lifestyle!

Brace yourself, because this might be a bit challenging. It’s time to assess the aspects of your life that don’t contribute to your well-being. Is it the clutter in your kitchen, closet, bedroom, or garage? Dedicate some time to decluttering and toss away what can’t be donated. Donating items, not only helps someone else but also triggers a little boost of dopamine for both your generosity and the satisfaction of having a clean home! What about bad habits? Hitting the bar 5 nights a week might not be the best place for you when you are trying to create a new you. Let’s cut it down to one and think of all the money you are saving. What about watching TV or scrolling social media for hours on end? Come on do I really need to say it? I am certain there are other things that need to be done to that are conducive to your new habits. Let’s face it you are reading this because you want to be proactive in your self-care. You know what bad habits are not serving you.

Now, what about people? Is it that friend who only talks about herself or the critical mother-in-law? I’m not suggesting we cut people out entirely, but perhaps consider sending them love from afar and spending less time with them. “But it’s if it is family How do I manage that?” Well, just because you’re at the same place doesn’t mean you have to endure constant complaining or judgment. Redirect your focus – spend time with the kids or join the boys’ table. If there’s nowhere to escape, bring along a game to divert attention, or simply be honest and say, “Can we focus on gratitude and avoid complaints or judgments about my home or anything else for that matter? Thanks!” Just cut them off or don’t engage, soon they will catch the vibes you are sending. πŸ˜‰

Week #7: Gratitude – a game-changer! There’s a quote that resonated with me: “If it’s frustrating to see your kids unhappy with their Christmas gifts, imagine how God feels when you wake up ungrateful for sight, sound, smell, the ability to walk, and talk, etc.” Hits you right in the feels, doesn’t it? Beginning your day with gratitude (yes, we’re building a habit here) starts rewiring your brain to notice all the goodness in your life.

If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume you have a phone, a roof over your head, and food in your belly. Gratitude for the small things creates space for the bigger blessings in life, allowing you to truly appreciate them. This simple practice literally rewires the brain to focus on the positive, leading to a happier life! Take time each day when you first wake up to be grateful for well WAKING UP 😁 Your warm bed, the soft pillow, and anything else that you can think of. This sets the tone for your day and its going to be a great one!

You’ve got your 2024 goals and dreams crystal clear. You’ve dedicated 20 minutes a day to move and find stillness. Your living space is now a clean, organized haven. You’ve consciously chosen to spend less time with people who bring discomfort. Your diet has improved, you ditched bad habits and your overall well-being is likely on the upswing. With better sleep and a morning gratitude routine, your days are just getting better.

Here’s the exciting part –If you’ve stayed committed to this list, you’ve effectively integrated these habits into your daily routine, creating a foundation to build upon and continue moving forward! These actions are the steppingstones that position you for success when you set new goals for an extraordinary 2024! I truly hope you’ve discovered value in this post. Keep in mind, these seemingly small habits are the building blocks for noteworthy triumphs, charting the course for success in every facet of your life! Feel free to leave a comment or question or reach out via email if I can assist you in any way! How may I serve you?