All Things Holistic, Lifestyle, Natural Health, Mindset and Spirituality

Category: Mindset

  • 10 Inspiring Quotes That Can Change Your Whole Perspective

    10 Inspiring Quotes That Can Change Your Whole Perspective

    I Hope you Enjoy this List of Inspiring Quotes. I have also included free Downloadable artwork so that you can enjoy these quotes anywhere! Inspiring Quote 1: You Get What You Think About, Whether You Want it or Not-Wayne Dyer This inspiring quote is the basic concept of focusing your attention on what you don’t… Read more

  • Revamp Your Life: Crafting a Self-Care Plan to Cultivate the New You Habit!

    Revamp Your Life: Crafting a Self-Care Plan to Cultivate the New You Habit!

    Ah, the fresh start of another year! Time when self- care is in full force, The moment when people swear, they’ll hit the gym every day, stick to a super-healthy diet, and be the best version of themselves. When things settle down, when I miraculously have more time (insert hopeful resolution here), that’s when I’ll… Read more

  • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,Which is Highest Vibration of them all?

    Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,Which is Highest Vibration of them all?

    In the spiritual side of the world, we consistently hear the word “vibration”. What is the highest Vibration and how do we achieve it? All of the gurus in a single file line explaining that if you don’t get your vibration up you cannot manifest the life you desire. You attract what you are and… Read more

  • What is the Mind and How Does it Work to Create our Reality?

    What is the Mind and How Does it Work to Create our Reality?
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    When you are on a self-development journey sooner or later you will find yourself in this phase. What is the mind and how does it work to create our reality. You will come across all authors and speakers in this space repeatedly telling you that your thoughts create your life, you are programmed to think… Read more



    Just wanted to write a quick post with a reminder of the blessings we don’t even realize we have. Last night I overheard someone say “Tomorrow is going to suck! I have to wake up at 5:30am” I thought. Why would you speak that over your day before it has even started? Saying things like,… Read more