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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,Which is Highest Vibration of them all?

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In the spiritual side of the world, we consistently hear the word “vibration”. What is the highest Vibration and how do we achieve it?

All of the gurus in a single file line explaining that if you don’t get your vibration up you cannot manifest the life you desire. You attract what you are and if you are in a low vibration, you will attract more of the same. We get scared of attracting and drawing in anything negative, overlooking things that upset us, spiritually bypassing our feelings so we can stay in a state of positivity, causing bigger problems. This Creates Blocks in our energetic bodies because we didn’t stop to process the thing that upset us, in turn bringing forward something else we have to work on in order to draw our dream life to us. It almost seems like a joke, right?!?

The more we dive into spiritual development the more we realize life is happening for us not to us.

Whether we like what’s happening or not. Things happen and we either need to learn from them, so they don’t happen again, or are grateful it happened because we manifested that sh%t with our high vibes and vision boards. 😉 Where is the sweet spot? Where is the space that we can consciously create without pushing away the negative happenings, and getting down on ourselves when our partner wants to have a Netflix n’ Chill kind of day. We oblige in the name of love, while internally feeling as if we are sabotaging all the work we have done, by letting that action flick into our energetic field? This can’t only be me, right?

As we grow older, we get in some sort of vicious cycle where we go thru the motions trying to “get through” the day. Unless we make it a conscious effort, we never really stop to smell the roses, wondering “is this all there is?” On the journey we learn that we need to wake up with gratitude, feeling grateful for all that we have, food, water, a warm bed and roof over our head. Feel love for all, because we are all one and the other person in front of you is just you and your perception. These allow us to start changing perspective bringing us back to the place that we were as kids. Waking up happy and ready for a new day, to make new friends and have new adventures. But there is also another emotion you felt as a child that new research is showing vibrates higher than love and gratitude and that is AUTHENTICITY. You didn’t care what anyone thought of you as a child. You would dance, sing, play in the dirt and didn’t care who was watching. On a soul level this was who you were. A soul exploring the world and feeling happy and free. This is the Highest Vibration

Anita Moorjani wrote a book about her near-death experience with cancer. She explained that when she was on the other side, she was told that she only needed to be herself in this life, live-in the vibration of Authenticity and she would be healed. When she came back, she was healed from her cancer and released from the hospital. Living her most authentic life traveling the world cancer free explaining to people to start living the life they want to live not the life they think other people want them to live. Her book “Dying to be me” is linked here. As an Amazon associate, I may make a commission off of qualifying products at no extra cost to you.

In Dr Joe Dispenza’s work. He talks about brain and heart coherence. Getting to a place where the brain and heart are in sync, can surround you with an energetic field of up to 9 meters around your body. When you are in this state, you are at the highest vibration:

Dr. Joe Dispenza

When your brain and heart are having this “love affair” (like he calls it) you are beaming with authenticity. His book “Becoming Supernatural” is linked here.

Human Biologist and longevity expert Gary Brecka also speaks about this research when trying to educate people on biohacking and aging. His Pod Cast is Linked here.

Being authentic means you need to dig down deep and remember who you are.

I don’t know about you but between work, my daughter, the house, my husband, and adulting in general. I had no clue who I was anymore. I didn’t even know how to decorate my house or what style I had, or what was even in style anymore, and I deemed myself a pretty stylish person once upon a time. I think a lot of us new moms go through that. Thats why a hoodie and leggings is the outfit, hair up, and no make-up make-up is the look 😉We kind of lose ourselves through all of it and that’s ok. It’s the journey so we can find our way back to ourselves and what resonates with our soul.

When 2020 hit so many of us were alone with ourselves and that was the biggest shake up in our society. People realized, they didn’t like their homes, their jobs, commuting to their jobs and leaving their children.

People took to social media making cooking channels, mommy blogs, fitness websites, candle and jewelry making, you name it. These people had success because they were following what felt good to them, they were being authentic. People can see that through the camera. You can see 2 people saying the same thing and one of them you believe and the other you don’t. Its because you can see and feel when someone is being Authentic.

  1. Be Yourself and Stay True: Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Embrace your quirks and uniqueness. There is only one you, let that shine!
  2. Share Your Feelings Openly: Express your thoughts and emotions honestly with others. Open communication builds authenticity.
  3. Know Yourself Well: Take time for self-reflection to understand your values, beliefs, and what matters to you.
  4. Learn from What Happens: View mistakes and experiences as opportunities for growth. Embrace the lessons they bring.
  5. Stick to Your Values: Identify your core values and live in alignment with them. Get a journal and ask yourself what your values really are and write them down. This is the mission statement to yourself. Dissect these values and make sure they are YOUR values and not the values of friends and family. This creates a sense of authenticity in your actions.
  6. Avoid Trying to Please Everyone: Focus on your values and priorities rather than seeking constant approval. It’s okay not to be liked by everyone.
  7. Set Limits That Feel Right: Establish boundaries that reflect your needs and values. This helps in maintaining a healthy balance in relationships.
  8. Stay Focused on the Present: Be mindful of the current moment. Avoid dwelling on the past or worrying excessively about the future. Starting a meditation practice is the best way to become aware of your thoughts and why you think the way you do. I wrote a post about meditation here.
  9. Accept and Be Kind to Yourself: Embrace self-acceptance. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, acknowledging that you are a work in progress.💙

Once you start aligning down this path your soul will take over the body. I can’t tell you how many times I woke up and just didn’t do things anymore. With no thought about it or preparation. It first started with alcohol, I just didn’t drink anymore about 8 years ago and it’s continued since and I used to drink quite a bit, at least a few times a week. Next was smoking, the news, reality TV, horror films, mindlessly scrolling on my phone, staying up late and sleeping in, most recently it was red meat! I LOVED a good bloody steak and now I can’t even think about putting that into my body, I certainly do not sit in judgment of people who do any of those things. We are all here on our own journey doing thew best we can.

Just remember it is ok to have good days and bad days, it is ok to feel things and work through them, as long as those things are aligning with your higher self and leading you down a path of Authenticity!

The whole formula for manifesting what you want in life is, Act on your highest passion every moment that you can, to the best of your ability, taking it as far as you can possibly take it, until you can take it no further, with absolutely ZERO expectation for what the outcome should be. That is all you need to know!


Please leave a question, comment or email me if I can Help in any way, how may I serve?

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