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Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil Can Transform your Dental Health: The Benefits of Oil Pulling

Ugh after almost 10-years I made my way to the dentist in hopes to get a quick fix for a front tooth that had started to get pushed back in my mouth, and it was really bothering me (cosmetically of course lol) My teeth never hurt or bothered me, so I honestly never had any reason to go. That and I do not like the sound of those drills. So much so that I became a DIY nail artist at home because again I really do not like the sound of those drills! Anyway, the dentist inspected my crooked tooth, and the rest of my mouth took x-rays etc. He said to me, wow you are 40 years old no cavities or issues at all what is your secret? I said I oil pull every day for the last 4 years. He said hmm well I don’t know If that’s the reason but whatever you are doing keep doing it! Out the door I went ready sign up for smile direct because his plan of ripping out all of my top teeth to fix one crooked one wasn’t going to happen, I thought it had to be the reason are you crazy? I had started oil pulling because I read an Ayer Vedic book, and in there it explained the benefits of oil pulling with coconut oil to transform your dental health for your gums and teeth, and even help with digestion.

Digestion begins in the mouth so the anti-microbial properties of coconut oil can help gently clean the mouth and wake up the digestive tract to get ready for the day.

I thought well it can’t hurt. After my dentist visit, I knew it most definitely was the cause of my grade A visit. Also, my brother needed a root canal and had major anxiety about the dentist. I told him to oil pull and see if it helps. He did and it has. He has not had any pain or issues with his tooth that was bothering him. My husband’s gums were also starting to recede, he started oil pulling about a year ago and believe it or not his gums are looking really good.

Benefits of Oil-Pulling

  1. Oral Hygiene: Oil pulling can help remove harmful bacteria, plaque, and debris from the mouth. Swishing the oil around can reach crevices and areas that a toothbrush might not easily access.
  2. Reduction in Bad Breath: By removing bacteria and other odor-causing substances, oil pulling may help reduce bad breath, also known as halitosis.
  3. Gum Health: Some proponents of oil pulling suggest that it may help improve gum health by reducing inflammation and preventing gum disease. However, more research is needed to confirm these claims.
  4. Teeth Whitening: Oil pulling is sometimes touted as a natural method for teeth whitening. It may help remove surface stains, but it’s not a replacement for professional teeth-whitening treatments.
  5. Potential Anti-Microbial Effects: Some research suggests that the fatty acids in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties, which could help reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth.
  6. Improved Skin Health: Some users have reported benefits for skin health when oil pulling. However, these claims are largely anecdotal and not well-substantiated by scientific research.

To start Oil Pulling use the portion cup provided, start off with swishing for 3-5 minutes rather aggressively when you spit it out it should be white, and u should feel it getting pushed through your teeth. Work up to 15/20 minutes. I keep a bottle in my shower and just swish around while I’m washing my hair and cleaning my body. Makes it part of my routine. Always spit the used oil in the trash. It’s not good for your plumbing and never swallow it. Always brush your teeth after. Floride free toothpaste is a better option for your body (that is another topic) and then follow with the tongue scraper that came with the pulling oil. If you are going to floss that should be the first step before oil pulling. I know people like to floss after they brush but you are pulling all kind of bacteria from your teeth and leaving it sit there. It needs to be first. This is the pulling oil that I use you can buy the whole kit here or just try one bottle at a time here. The kit also makes a great gift for someone. I’ve also linked the fluoride free toothpaste that I like the best. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a commission off of qualifying products. Do you already oil pull? What kinds of results have you had since you started?