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Positive Affirmations and the Power of “I am”

How Words Shape Our Reality and Why “I Am” Matters More Than You Think

The words we choose to follow “I am” can either uplift us or drag us down, influencing not only our way of thinking but also the course of our lives.

The Weight of Negative “I Am” Statement. Let’s start by examining the darker side of “I am.” Negative self-talk can become a relentless inner critic, slowly chipping away at our self-esteem and confidence. Phrases like “I am not good enough, I am broke, I am a loser etc. are very dangerous things to say. The danger lies in the self-fulfilling prophecy effect.

When we consistently tell ourselves that we are incapable or unworthy, we unconsciously begin to act in ways that reinforce these beliefs.

The Brain finds ways to make how we feel, what we think and say true. It’s the power of projection. Think about it. Would u talk to a friend the way we talk to and about ourselves? Better yet, would you want to be friends with someone who talked to you that way? I certainly hope not!! We need to start lifting ourselves up to what we aspire to be. Not bad mouthing ourselves to minimize things at the office or home life “Oh my I am so stupid it’s my fault I’m so sorry” Are you sorry? are you stupid? is it even your fault? or are you so used to saying that, it just comes out without even realizing it? I know it did for me! It just poured out of my mouth any time something didn’t run according to plan. Even when it really wasn’t my fault! It becomes a vicious cycle, influencing our decisions, relationships, and overall life satisfaction. Do yourself a favor and before you read any further save this blog post and come back to it tomorrow after this exercise!

Without changing anything. Go through your day and be conscious of how many times you talk bad about yourself.

How many times you say I am sorry. Write it down, keep a note on your phone or just keep mental score. You will honestly be shocked! How many times do you speak like that in front of your kids? Do you hear them repeating the things you say about themselves? Are you even aware of it? My daughter is 8 and we are the house all of the kids come to and let me just say it is heartbreaking to hear some of the “I am” negative statements that come out of their mouths. These kids have amazing mothers! They just aren’t aware of the negative self-talk they use about themselves!

“I am capable.” “I am resilient.” “I am deserving of love and happiness.” “I am a magnet for success.”

These positive affirmations have the potential to reshape our self-perception and, consequently, our lives. They serve as a beacon of hope and motivation, steering us toward personal growth, resilience, and a brighter future, and again our brains will adjust to what we are saying and thinking and find ways to make those things true. However, in the beginning you may feel like you are lying. Just making things up. KEEP AT IT. Soon your brain will form new Neural Pathways to accommodate this way of thinking. It just takes a little bit of time. Just like working out. You have to train your brain! Soon it will be second nature and you will catch yourself when you go to say something negative about yourself. They are little victories that you can celebrate along the way!

Wayne Dyer wrote a children’s book called The Power of I am, Why 2 little words mean so much” I’ve linked it here. Its great book for kids and the person reading it to them. It reinforces exactly the point I am trying to convey here. Speaking of Wayne Dyer (lol I could talk about him all day) He discovered a woman by the name of Anita Moorjani. She was dying from cancer or rather DID die from cancer and on her journey to the other side she learned that the absolute BEST thing you can do for yourself, your life, your health was …


She learned that she was a people pleaser during her life and was always concerned about everyone else She was told that when she came back to this life she would be healed from cancer, and she needed to tell the world what she had learned. There is obviously way more to her story she wrote a book called “Dying to be Me” I’ll link it here. It truly is an amazing story of how our words, thought and beliefs affect our lives good or bad. It is also documented you can see all of her medical records as well. One more thing

MIT Research showed that while measuring participants energetic fields their “frequency.” The data revealed that there was one state that vibration was 4 time higher than the vibration of love, and that state was. (drum roll please) AUTHENTICITY!!!

I will link the research here! Now if you made it this far I have some bullet points for you. I am so very passionate about this topic because it has really changed my life, and my health! My relationships. my everything. That is why I am writing this, in hopes to help at least one person to be able to get conscious of what they are thinking or speaking into existence. Please if I can help in any way reach out! I am here to serve! You know what they say right?


Dr Joe Dispenza is an amazing author that has worked with thousands of people to retrain their brains and done thousands of brain scans on people that have had tremendous results. From instant healings to getting up and walking when they were bound to a wheelchair their whole life. I will link one of his books Becoming Supernatural here and post more at the bottom of this page.

How Positive “I Am” Statements Can Change Your Life

  1. Boosting Self-Confidence: When you affirm your abilities and worthiness, you build self-confidence. This newfound confidence can empower you to take on challenges, pursue dreams, and seize opportunities you might have otherwise passed up.
  2. Shifting Your Mindset: Positive “I am” statements can rewire your brain. They encourage a growth mindset, where setbacks are seen as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than failures.
  3. Improving Relationships: A positive self-image radiates outward and can enhance your relationships. When you believe in your worth, you’re more likely to attract healthy, supportive connections.
  4. Manifesting Success: Affirmations are a powerful tool for manifestation. When you consistently tell yourself that you are capable of achieving your goals, you are more likely to take the necessary actions to turn those dreams into reality.

How to Harness the Power of Positive “I Am” Affirmations

  1. Identify Your Goals: Determine what areas of your life could benefit from a boost in positivity. Whether it’s your career, relationships, or personal growth, tailor your affirmations accordingly.
  2. Make Affirmations Specific: Craft your affirmations to be clear and specific. Instead of a vague “I am successful,” say “I am achieving my career goals with determination and focus.”
  3. Repeat and Believe: Repetition is key. Say your affirmations daily, preferably in front of a mirror. Internalize them and truly believe in their power to bring about positive change.
  4. Practice Patience: Transformations take time. Be patient with yourself and trust that, over time, your positive “I am” statements will reshape your reality. If you need little daily push to stay on top of your negative self-talk this bracelet is a great little reminder, or if you arent sure where to start this book has 10,000 affirmations!! I’m sure you can find a few the resonate!

Never underestimate the transformative power of “I am.” The words we attach to this phrase can either limit us or empower us to lead a more fulfilling life.

By harnessing the strength of positive affirmations, we have the ability to rewrite our story, shape our mindset, and unlock our full potential. So, start today with a simple declaration: “I am ready for positive change.” Your journey to a brighter, more empowered life begins with those two small yet mighty words. If you made it to the end of this, I truly wish you luck on your journey! It’s going to be amazing. If you still think you may need help getting ahold of negative thoughts, I wrote blog post about meditation. It could be really helpful for you just getting started! Here is the link