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Tag: balanced chakras

  • The Third Eye Chakra, for Beginners! Everything you Need to Know

    The Third Eye Chakra, for Beginners! Everything you Need to Know

    The Third Eye Chakra—a center of inner wisdom located between your brows. It’s where intuition and insight thrive. In this post we will break down signs of balance or imbalance and discover practices to awaken and align this energy center. Let’s unlock inner knowing and spiritual awakening! This is the 6th part of a 7-part… Read more

  • The Beginners Guide to the Throat Chakra, Everything You Need to Know!

    The Beginners Guide to the Throat Chakra, Everything You Need to Know!

    The Throat Chakra is known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit and associated with the color blue. This energy center can be found in the throat area and is aligned with the element of sound or ether. The Throat Chakra, a bridge between the tangible and metaphysical realms. This post delves into its importance, looking at its… Read more

  • The Beginners Guide to Your Sacral Chakra

    The Beginners Guide to Your Sacral Chakra

    This Is Part 2 of the 7-part Chakra series giving and in-Depth look at each Chakra and how to balance them. The First part on the Root Chakra is linked here The “Sacral Chakra”, also known as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is one of the seven main energy centers in the human body according to traditional… Read more