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What is Mouth Taping

Mouth taping is a practice where people tape their mouths shut during sleep, sounds like a dream doesn’t it? Taping your partner’s mouth closed?!😂 Not only does this help with the dreaded snoring, but it helps with a deeper more regenerative sleep using a special medical tape. I hear a lot of Functional Medicine professionals talk about the important of oxygen in the body.

He advocates for breathwork every day, which we should all be doing. But if you haven’t added breathwork to your daily wellness practice yet. Why not give Mouth Taping a try? I only recommend products I use and Love. As an Amazon Associate, I may make a commission off of qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. 💜

Here is a list of 6 Benefits of mouth taping:

  1. Improved nasal breathing: Mouth taping can encourage individuals to breathe through their noses during sleep. This is important because nasal breathing helps filter and humidify the air, and it promotes the production of nitric oxide, which can improve oxygen exchange in the lungs.
  2. Reduced snoring: Many people snore because they breathe through their mouths during sleep. Mouth taping can help keep the mouth closed, reducing the likelihood of snoring. This may lead to a quieter and more restful sleep for both the individual and their sleeping partner.
  3. Enhanced sleep quality: By promoting nasal breathing and reducing snoring, mouth taping may contribute to better sleep quality. It can lead to more uninterrupted and restorative sleep, which can have various health benefits.
  4. Increased oxygen intake: Breathing through the nose allows for better oxygen uptake and utilization in the body, which may be particularly beneficial for individuals with breathing difficulties, such as sleep apnea or asthma.
  5. Alleviation of dry mouth: Mouth taping can help prevent dry mouth by reducing the airflow through the mouth, which can be particularly useful for individuals who experience dryness during sleep.
  6. Improved oral health: Closing the mouth with tape at night can help prevent mouth breathing, which is associated with dental problems like dry mouth, gum disease, and enamel erosion. Mouth taping can contribute to better oral health.

Mouth taping can be done safely if you follow the right steps and precautions. Here’s a basic guide on how to mouth tape:

Materials Needed:

  1. Specialized mouth tape: This is the brand I use
  2. Mirror: To help you apply the tape correctly
  1. Prepare the tape: Cut a piece of mouth tape to the desired length. Start with a piece that is long enough to cover your lips from one corner to the other, with a little extra for easy application.
  2. Wash your face: Before applying the tape, wash your face to ensure it’s clean and free from oils or lotions. This will help the tape adhere properly.
  3. Apply the tape: Stand in front of a mirror and gently place the tape over your lips. Make sure the tape is secure but not too tight. It should allow you to breathe comfortably through your nose. It’s essential to position the tape horizontally to keep your mouth closed. The tape should not cover your entire mouth, just the lips.
  4. Test your breathing: Before going to sleep, practice breathing through your nose to ensure you can do so comfortably with the tape in place. If you feel anxious or struggle to breathe, remove the tape and try again another night.
  5. Sleeping position: If you are new to mouth taping, consider sleeping in a position that encourages nasal breathing, such as lying on your side.
  6. Keep scissors nearby: It’s a good idea to have scissors near your bed in case you need to quickly remove the tape in an emergency, such as if you feel discomfort or anxiety.
  7. Remove the tape in the morning: When you wake up, gently remove the tape by peeling it off. Do this slowly and avoid ripping it off to prevent any discomfort or skin irritation.

Consult with a healthcare professional or dentist before starting mouth taping, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions, such as sleep apnea or allergies. They can provide guidance on whether mouth taping is suitable for your specific needs and advise on any potential risks or contraindications. Additionally, if you experience any adverse effects or discomfort, discontinue the practice.

Let me know in the comments if you Mouth Tape or if you are going to try it. My husband says it’s the best night sleep of his life. When I started taping, I have to admit it made me a little anxious, however he was right. I slept very sound and woke up feeling like I had had a great night sleep.! If you would like to read another blog I wrote about having a great Nighttime routine for better sleep, click here. .